
By Wei Jingrui(魏景瑞)

In between the grey clouds and the green hills,  a group of people is sitting in the truck's cargo compartment going through the 3 or 4 meters wide winding mountain road. Even when the visceras are completely upset, they are still singing with excitement. Gradually, in front of us appeared some adobe houses inserted in the mountains and some dark and simple Miao villagers. The mountain breeze came mixed with the smell of sheep and cattle, like telling us: "Pingtoushan welcomes you!"

Just in this first glance at the mountain, we can have a snapshot of the scenery on the road, pointing out all kinds of "unheard of", looking forward to the mountain world and to the mission that we are going to accomplish. However, before these glances, it is unavoidable to feel in our hearts the domination of these mountains.

From some other veterans of the Association, we understand the communication conditions in the mountains, the school's accomodation conditions, the level of knowledge of the villagers, and the strugles of the children.... the backwardness is a fact. It is the standard we have put to this mountain in our heart from the very beginning. At the same time as we have proudly prepared ourselves to face a hard life, in our hearts actually was stirred with mixed emotions from our natural superiority and well-intentioned sympathy. Honestly, from the very beginning, I did not mesaure up well this mountain.

After half a month, I can not really say what have I contributed to this place, what did I change in here. I can only reflect a little bit about how this mountain has changed me.

"Walking in the countryside's roads, an old cow is my companion..." While walking on the mountain's roads, I love on one hand sing this song, and on the other hand admire the distant peaks.彩云之南不负盛名,看天上的云时而零零星星在山顶上游走,时而披着霞光包围着夕阳,时而抽出些丝丝缕缕“掉”在山上。山有远处的绿,有近处的绿,还有脚底的黄。我一定永远都不会忘记和孩子们一起上山玩耍的那一天。他们负责跑来跳去摘各种野果野花送给我和另一个队员,,而我们俩负责仰望山间,接过他们的礼物,用相机抓拍每一个动人的瞬间。而当这一切被突如其来的瓢泼大雨打断的时候,我竟然狼狈得兴奋。大大小小的五六个孩子,光着脚走在泥泞的山路上,望着大雨中的远山,恍若梦境,灵魂急不可耐的要从躯体抽离融入这大自然中去。这里的山,这里的云,这里的漫天繁星,每一次仰望都让人沉静下来,心被这座朴实的山美到融化。




